Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11






 Help create a record of continuity and change in Stoulton during the Queen’s reign. 

 Bring your photos, memorabilia, stories and house histories 

to The Old Vicarage garden

on Saturday June 4th from 12pm to 5pm

 Tea and coffee available

Bring your own sandwiches for lunch

 3pm Stoulton Storytelling for all the family

plus a Stoulton heritage quest


 We are all part of this story - young, old, current residents and those who have moved on.

Information shared will, with your agreement, be published on this website 

The intention is to create a downloadable digital souvenir of Stoulton during the Queen’s reign.  

Donations In aid of St. Edmund’s Church very much appreciated.


ADD SOMETHING TO THE TIMELINE - click on the appropriate date


1972 - 1991

1992 - 2011

1912 - 2022

 IMPORTANT NOTE.  If you have a photograph you would like to contribute to this web site we do need your written permission to use it. Download the Permission Form from the CONTACT US page. Complete and return it with your picture to sandymarchant6@icloud.com